
HTML5 Development – The Edge for Developing Web Apps

With the advent of new trends of mobile technology, many changes have been affected in the browsers in recent years, although the technology in effect is based on the same tech which was in sway in the last decade of the last millennium.

An HTML5 mobile app is actually a web page or a series which work together well on the screen. These apps are device agnostic and compatible with any mobile browser. So all the content on the web is searchable which works out well for mobile devices to browse through the web especially during shopping for goods online.

Anybody who has experience developing web apps will find it easy to work with HTML5. The tech bar is lower and it is easy to start developing right on. Every mobile device nowadays has different specifications of usable screen size and resolution for every app, which means extra burden for testing on different devices. Browser incompatibility is most on Android devices so it is important to develop apps which meet the specifications of different platforms on a simultaneous basis.

One of the most important ingredients of HTML5 methodology is that most native apps will find their distribution and support easier than any other app. If you want to affect a bug fix or add an extra set of features, you can do it in a trice for all the users.

HTML5 has emerged as one of the most popular ways to build mobile applications in the last year. Multiple UI frameworks are available for different jobs and some features do a fantastic job of emulating style scrolling with momentum attached to it. JQuery Mobile is a great mobile component, with thousands of plugins which offer carousels to some very elaborate controls.

HTML5 apps are easier to develop and also boast of wide compatibility. The latest batch of internet browsers include accelerated CSS3 animation and extreme smooth motion for each of the transitions between different screens but the flexibility offered by native apps is difficult to emulate. Also multi-touch input events with different point gestures are difficult to capture with several events are difficult to reproduce.

However, significant limitations for the field of enterprise mobility include offline storage and security. Offline capabilities can be worked upon but that does not include a good solution. The database is mostly encrypted and not segmented and without keychain encryption status which is normally attached with a developer certificate. Web apps boasting of authentication which are launched with desktop PCs will require all the developers to enter relevant credentials to keep it working and to send it to third parties. Even the most trivial security measures which are embedded within the native platform are said to be an extremely complex task for a mobile Web developer. If security is of utmost importance then one needs to choose the platform to create web apps likewise. HTML5 meanwhile can give you immense compatibility with a wide range of features and compatibility with a wide range of mobile devices.


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